THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT – The Spiritual Wisdom of the Beatitudes

In Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 51:16), he declared to the crowd which gathered to listen to him, a number of “Blessed are” statements. These statments have been called “The Beatitudes”; and the spiritual wisdom which Jesus is giving to the crowd is quite profound. In fact, I often wonder how many people truly understood what he was saying. For, we have to Carl Bloch-Sermon OnThe Mountremember that Jesus was speaking as a fully enlightened being; someone who knew God intimately and recognized that his life came from God. Therefore, these statements should be meditated on and analyzed not from a physical point of view, but rather from an elevated spiritual consciousness.

Also, their deep spiritual advice can be of help to any of us walking the spiritual path, whether we are a Christian or not. For, truth is truth, no matter which path it comes from or where it is heard. Therefore, the beatitudes are as follows:

Over the next few days, we will take a look at each beatitude individually and go into them in depth so that we can fully understand their spiritual benefit. But for now, just read them over again and see how they resonant within your own heart & soul. See if you can fully comprehend the advice & wisdom which Jesus was sharing with the crowd. For, Jesus came as a prophet and a witness to our God & Creator. He came to earth to remind humanity that God is the Father of all; and he came to show His children the way back to Him. Therefore, an understanding of his words can truly help a seeker to attain God.

May God bless you as you travel along your own spiritual path & remember to – Always Heed the Spirit,


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