Check our the article below from the Huffington Post.

Kudos to Time Magazine. In a society where the covers of magazines and newspapers are reserved for murders, scammers, & criminals; it’s not very often that a man who is trying to bring Equality,

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Justice, & Compassion into the world gets honored with this type of recognition.

But, whether we are Catholic or not, we can all learn much from this man who in his short 9 months as leader of the Catholic faith has kissed the face of a disfigured man; washed the feet of a Muslim woman, & has decided to live more simply rather than reside in the lavish papal palace.

His actions have spoken to people much louder than any words ever will. And his humility & humbleness have spread much further than the boundries of Catholicism.

Congratulations Pope Francis. And let us remember to continually pray for all of our World & Religious Leaders around the globe.

God bless & Always Heed the Spirit,


Pope Francis Is Time’s Person Of The Year

The Huffington Post |                                                 By

Pope Francis has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2013.

Time’s managing editor Nancy Gibbs revealed the magazine’s decision on NBC’s “Today” Wednesday morning.

Pope Francis, who gained world praise in 2013, became the first Jesuit pope in March 2013 following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.

Here is the cover:

pope francis

Time’s managing editor Nancy Gibbs explained the magazine’s choice on Wednesday, calling the Pope “a new voice of conscience.”

“In his nine months in office, he has placed himself at the very center of the central conversations of our time, about wealth and poverty, fairness and justice, transparency, modernity, globalization, the role of women, the nature of marriage, the temptations of power,” she said. “When he kisses the face of a disfigured man or washes the feet of a Muslim woman, the image resonates far beyond the boundaries of the Catholic Church.”

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi sent a message from the Vatican on Wednesday, on behalf of the Pope:

“The Holy Father is not looking to become famous or to receive honors. But if the choice of Person of Year helps spread the message of the gospel– a message of God’s love for everyone– he will certainly be happy about that.”

Edward Snowden, who made waves in 2013 with his leak of secret documents about N.S.A. surveillance activities, was the magazine’s second choice. Some criticized Time for not choosing Snowden for the top slot, saying that the title had gone with a safe, popular decision instead of the right one. Gay marriage pioneer Edith Windsor, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and senator Ted Cruz rounded out the top 5 slots.

Time said that it was the Pope’s dedication to “humility” and his fight against poverty, among other things, that solidified its top choice this year.

Earlier in July, the Pope was also named “Man of the Year” by Vanity Fair Italia

ORIGINAL POST CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/11/time-person-of-year-2013-pope-francis_n_4421292.html

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