The Universe Is A Mental Creation

When talking about Creation, and where the universe came from, it wouldn’t be fair to Universe, God is Mind, God is consciousness, Mind is all, power of the mindjust say that God can do anything and leave it at that. For, even miracles, though we may not see them, have underlying causes. So, to better understand how the world came into being we need to contemplate upon the idea that the “universe is a mental creation” (The Kybalion).

When I discuss God I don’t really want to say that He is this or that, because that is presumptuous and puts a limit on God, and of course, God is beyond any definition and limitless; even the word God is insufficient. But, for the sake of this post I’m going to say that God is a Universal Consciousness; God is Mind. And whether we know it or not, thoughts are things. They have a force or power associated with them. And I’m sure we’ve all heard the expression “mind over matter”, well thoughts have the power to produced matter:

“All we are is a result of what we have thought.” -Buddha

“As man thinks in his heart so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

The greatest force is derived from the power of thought. The finer the element, the more powerful it is.” – Swami Vivekananda

mind is the essence of life.” — Aristotle

Mind is the builder.” – Edgar Cayce

Therefore, matter as we know it must really be an illusion.

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Inherently, we know this; and science has even proven it. For they have shown us that matter is not what we think we see. We think that our physical body is a solid form when we see it in a mirror or touch it with our hands. And when we look out at the world we think we are seeing hard rocks, rigid trees, and other solid objects all around us. But, the truth is behind these appearances matter is really a composition of moving atoms. Science has also found that even these atoms, which many of us were taught were the building blocks of matter, are an illusion; because behind the atoms, there are subatomic particles, which at it’s essence is an underlying vibrating cloud of energy. This energy like a vast ocean spreads out through the entire universe manifesting all the different forms of matter.

What’s controlling this energy? Where did it come from?

The Universal Consciousness or Mind of God.

This why certain atoms and molecules intelligently come together to form rocks, others manifest flowers & plants, and some come together and form our bodies and organs.

Now, this is not to say the physical world is not real. We are in it, and experiencing it every day; therefore, it is real to us. However, just like our bodies, this world is not what it appears to be. The sooner we realize this the better we can detach from the things that are happening to us and become less affected and disturbed by them. We must learn how “to be in the world, but not of it” (John 17:11-16).

We need to learn how to observe the world and what’s happening to us as if we are watching a movie. When we can accomplish this we begin to experience much more joy, happiness, and pleasure in life; because rather than quickly reacting to things, we understand that in truth we are just participating in God’s movie. Our true reality is out beyond this world of form.

Our goal is to wake up from the dream or illusion and come to the realization of our true being. Know thyself; and you will know the Truth. Know thyself; and you will understand the universe. Know thyself; and you will come to experience God.

God bless you in your journey to self-discovery and awakening. And remember to listen with your spiritual ears so that you may always –

Heed the Spirit,


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