Why We Should Learn To Forgive

Forgiveness does not mean that we condone someone’s behavior. Forgiveness means we let go of the emotions which arise, & we feel, in regards to something that was done to Continue Reading →
Forgiveness does not mean that we condone someone’s behavior. Forgiveness means we let go of the emotions which arise, & we feel, in regards to something that was done to Continue Reading →
Although love is the most precious thing in the universe, the most powerful force in existence, the greatest of laws, and the quickest path back to God; definitions of it Continue Reading →
Everyday do something good for another. Be kind, compassionate, & loving whenever possible. But, do the good, give the love, and be of service without seeking anything in return. For, if you Continue Reading →
Love & forgiveness are two qualities which harmonize us with the Spirit of God. For, regardless of our actions God loves us unconditionally; and if we seek His face with penitent Continue Reading →
I was recently talking with a group of people who had some experience with meditation, but for some reason weren’t dedicated to a daily practice. Their top three reasons for Continue Reading →
In truth, nothing & no one can hurt us or hinder us on our spiritual journey; and we have nobody to blame for the state of our lives, except ourselves. Continue Reading →
On this spiritual journey that we call “life”, all we can ever do is try our best! God knows our hearts; and He knows what our intentions are. Therefore, no matter how many obstacles Continue Reading →
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.” – Leonardo da Vinci There is a great difference between having knowledge & possessing wisdom. Knowledge is something that we can get through Continue Reading →
Sometimes it may be difficult to accept the idea that God is everywhere and in everyone. There will be days when we find it hard to recognize His presence within us Continue Reading →
Whenever we may feel “separated” from God, we need to understand who is at fault. We can be sure that we are the ones who have moved and not Him. For Continue Reading →