How to Attain Enlightenment (or Attune to God)

Nothing we do can guarantee that we gain enlightenment, God- or Self-Realization, How to attain enlightenmentBuddhahood, Nirvana, Salvation, or anything else that you may call it. The grace of God alone accomplishes this awakening in us. However, ironically, there are certain things, such as spiritual pratices and spiritual ways of living, that purify us and allow God’s grace to come to us. And some of these things are:

  • LOVE – We cannot get anywhere spiritually without nurturing LOVE within us! We must cultivate an intense love for God, a love for all people, & a deep and accepting love for ourselves. For, we can’t completely love God or others until we love ourselves first.  So, speak with the language of love to everyone you meet & don’t plant anything but the seeds of love wherever you go.The Persian mystic Rumi says:

“In every religion there is love, yet love has no religion. And when you seek love with all your heart, you shall find it echoes across the universe.”


  • BE UNATTACHED – This doesn’t mean that we must give up everything. What it means is that we are thankful & appreciate all that we do have, but are unaffected if anything is ever lost or taken away. The majority of our suffering and misery is due to the fact that we are attached to so many things. If we could detach ourselves we would be liberated and know true freedom of the soul.

  •  BE KIND IN ALL OUR THOUGHTS, WORDS, & ACTIONS – Watch your motives in everything and try not to allow any of these things to come from a place of selfishness. Analyze whatever it is you want to do and think twice before saying what it is you want to say. Sincerely ask yourself is what you are about to do or say right or wrong? Allow your inner voice to guide you.


  •  FOLLOW A DISCIPLINED SPIRITUAL PRACTICE – Set aside a specific time each day for spiritual practices and rituals. Then use that same time every day for such things as prayers, meditation, & the contemplation of sacred writings. Though some days you may have less energy, feel tired, or busy, I encourage you to persevere in these practices. You must allow these rituals to become habit. Also, do not approach these rituals as work or drudgery. These times should be for your refreshment, relaxation, & enjoyment. They are times for you to come to know your God & Creator; therefore, they should be times which bring peace & joy to you soul. Designating a certain space in your home to perform these practices may help you attain the peace or feeling of sacredness during this time. And you may even want to light a candle or some incense; use rosary or mala beads to focus your mind; or have some low sacred music playing. Do whatever makes this time the most relaxing, comfortable, & enjoyable that it can be. It may be just taking the phone of the hook and being in complete silence for a few minutes. You will know what’s right for you.

While these steps may sound simple, it takes patience & perseverance to see changes in your life. Remember, enlightenment come from God’s grace; & your liberation will be at the time He feels your ready. But, I pray that if you implement these ideas into your life that God may grant you the blessing of becoming enlightened in this lifetime so that you may come to a deep understanding of just how loved you truly are.

God bless you on your spiritual journey. And remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


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