Everyday Do Something Good For Someone

Everyday do something good for another. Be kind, compassionate, & loving whenever possible. But, do the good, give the love, and be of service without seeking anything in return. For, if you Continue Reading →
Everyday do something good for another. Be kind, compassionate, & loving whenever possible. But, do the good, give the love, and be of service without seeking anything in return. For, if you Continue Reading →
On this spiritual journey that we call “life”, all we can ever do is try our best! God knows our hearts; and He knows what our intentions are. Therefore, no matter how many obstacles Continue Reading →
Whatever Holiday you are celebrating this season it should be a time for spiritual reflection. A time to contemplate how thankful we are for all God has done for us; Continue Reading →
Violence can never be stopped by more violence; and as Gandhi once said “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Continue Reading →