Delusion Is Only Temporary!

As souls, we are made in the “image & likeness of God.” This fact can not be changed. Yet, due to our misuse of free-will we suffer & lose sight Continue Reading →
As souls, we are made in the “image & likeness of God.” This fact can not be changed. Yet, due to our misuse of free-will we suffer & lose sight Continue Reading →
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.” – Leonardo da Vinci There is a great difference between having knowledge & possessing wisdom. Knowledge is something that we can get through Continue Reading →
The love of others can diminish. But, the love of God is unconditional; and no matter what we may have done it never lessens or fades. Therefore, if we want to Continue Reading →
In Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 51:16), he declared to the crowd which gathered to listen to him, a number of “Blessed are” statements. These statments have been called Continue Reading →