Thankfulness & Gratitude – Their Importance to Our Spirituality & Connection With God

Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.  ~Alfred Painter

It is Thanksgiving week here in the United States, so I felt it appropriate to speak about the importance of thankfulness and gratitude. When some other person does something for us we often have no problem saying “thank you”. However, when it comes to God’s Thankful heartgifts we are often not used to expressing gratitude for all the things He has given us. But, the ability to live in a feeling of gratitude and thankfulness for all things is an important part of a spiritual life. In fact, St. Ignatius Loyola told Jesuits “never to omit gratitude from their day”. He told them to recall at the days end the good things that happened to them, and give thanks.

Well, God is our Creator and He has given us all so many things, including our life itself. The fact that we even wake up in the morning is only due to His grace & blessings. Therefore, doesn’t He deserve a “thank you”? Yet, the reality is that most of us forget to say “thank you” for what seems to be an insignificant event.

However, life on Earth is a precious gift because our planet is the only place where we can perform our spiritual practice so that we may attain to knowing God again. It is only through a physical incarnation that we have the ability to reconnect ourselves with God and enter into the Oneness of all things. And if we haven’t yet discovered this unity, then we should be grateful and thanking God for each new day that we are given another opportunity to find Him.

A true spiritual seeker learns to develop an attitude of thankfulness in all situations and for everything, whether good or bad; as they know that all is for their soul’s benefit. But, developing this attitude will do wonders for our personal lives as well; because gratitude is essential for healthy friendships. True friends are hard to come by. Without gratitude friendship is often taken for granted. We forget that it takes effort, patience, and work to truly cultivate a real friendship; because many of us have been betrayed, used, or taken advantage of by others.

Therefore, let us not only during this Thanksgiving Season, but everyday, say “Thank you” for each kindness we encounter no matter how small & insignificant. It’s such an easy thing to do and simple thing to say, yet so often forgotten. It is a simple attitude that will cause your spiritual light to shine bright wherever you go. And by performing this simple task you will bring much happiness to those around you, and thereby, make yourself a happier person too.

God Bless you on your journey & may you always — Heed the Spirit,


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