The love of others can diminish. But, the love of God is unconditional; and no matter what we may have done it never lessens or fades. Therefore, if we want to know God, we must come to know love; and learn how to love unconditionally. For, when our lives become a daily expression of true unconditional love then we are on the most direct path to union with God.
Now all religions believe & teach about love’s great power. And the following quotes would be great to meditate or reflect upon; not only today, but everyday:
- “To love is to know God.” – Bhagavad-Gita 18:55
- “Watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born
out of concern for all beings.” – Buddha
- “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.” – Buddha
- “Love one another.” – Jesus (John 13:34)
- “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – Jesus (John 13:35)
- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Jesus (Luke10:27, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30)
- “The greatest love is found in the pleasure of knowing God: that is the supreme felicity.” – Quran (9:72)
- “God is Love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” – (1 John 4:16)
- “If we really want to learn how to love others, we must first begin to love one another in our home. Love begins at home.” – Mother Teresa
- “It is not what we do, but how much love we put into doing it.” – Mother Teresa
- “Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is.” – Rumi
- “You have within you more love than you could ever understand.” – Rumi
- “I am a child of love. I belong to no religion. My religion is Love” – Rumi
- “When you find Love, you will find yourself” – Rumi
- “Only LOVE is infinite.” – Rumi
- “Speak with the language of love.” – Rumi
- “Don’t plant anything but love.” – Rumi
- “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi
- “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.” – Gandhi
- “Where there is love there is life” – Gandhi
Now, if we take a moment to honestly analyze our self and our actions, we will discover that love is the motivating force behind EVERYTHING we do. We may not always realize it; but, somehow and some way, it has been the driving force behind all of our actions. However, we very often misapply this force and use love’s power selfishly; rather than constructively. So, instead of expressing a compassionate & unconditional love we manifest it through a love of money, love of fame, love of pleasures, etc… And love is never meant to be expressed this way.
True & pure love seeks what’s best for all. It wants to be shared; and gives without seeking anything in return. Therefore, if our love is true it should be motivating us to be of help and service to others whenever we can. And it should be pushing us to be the best person that we can be so that we can help to make this world a better & more peaceful place for all living things.
Therefore, cultivating a sincere & unconditional love for God and all people is truly the most important lesson that we can learn. And to love someone is the greatest opportunity we are given in this life. In fact, by manifesting a sincere & true love we make swift & great progress in our spiritual development.
So, let every thought, word, and deed become an opportunity for expressing love whenever and wherever possible. If you remember to do this then you will notice the world changing around you; because harnessed properly, and given freely & abundantly, true love is an unstoppable force that can overcome all evils & work miracles in the world. And again, if you are seeking an intimate experience of God love is the surest & most direct path to Him.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I pray that you all come to know & feel the love of God, which is always within you and around you; not only today, but everyday of your lives.
God bless you on your journey & remember to always — Heed the Spirit,
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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment. God bless you always; & may your days always be filled with love, peace & an abundance of blessings.